Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Mayan civilization inhabited a vast region located geographically in the territory of the south-southeast of Mexico, specifically in the five states of Campeche, Chiapas (where lies the main town), Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Yucatan, and in the territories Central America from the current Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, with a history of about 3,000 years. During that time, in that territory hundreds of dialects are spoken today that generate nearly 44 different Mayan languages. Speaking of the "old Maya" is referring to the history of one of the most important pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, because his legacy is a worldwide scientific and astronomical. Contrary to popular belief, the Mayan civilization never "disappeared". At least, not completely, because their descendants still live in the region and many of them speak any of the languages of the family mayense. The rich Mayan literature illustrates the life of this culture. Works like Rabinal Achi, the Popol Vuh, The Chilam Balam are proof of this. What I was destroyed with the conquest is the model of civilization that until the arrival of the first Spaniards, had created millennia of history. The Spanish conquest of the Maya peoples were consummated until 1697, with the taking of Tayasal, capital of the Mayan Itza and Zacpetén, capital of the Mayan Ko'woj in the Peten (Guatemala today). The last state Mayan disappeared in 1901 when Mexico took its capital, Chan Santa Cruz, thus giving an end to the Caste War. The Mayans were big and impressive buildings from the Pre medium and large cities like Nakba, El Mirador, San Bartolo, Cival, located in the Mirador Basin in northern Peten, and during the Classic, the well-known cities of Tikal, Quiriguá , (Both of the first to be declacradas World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1979 and 1981 respectively) Palenque, Copan, Rio Azul, Calakmul, as well as Ceibal, Cancuén, Machaquila, Dos Pilas, Uaxactún, Altun Ha, Piedras Negras, and many other sites in the area. Can be classified as an empire, but it was not known if the time of colonization imposed their culture or if it was a result of his organization in independent city-states were the basis of which agriculture and trade. The most notable monuments are the pyramids they built in their religious centers, along with the palaces of their rulers and palaces, places of government and residence of the noble, to be the largest found so far of the Cancuén in southern Peten, many of whose structures were decorated with murals and decorative stucco. Other important archaeological remains include the carved stone slabs usually called stelae (the Maya called the Tetum, or "three stones"), which described the texts in logográficos together leaders describing their pedigrees, military victories and other achievements. The Mayan pottery is ranked among the most varied, fine and elaborate of the ancient world. The Mayans were involved in long-distance trade in Mesoamerica, and possibly beyond. Among the goods were the jade trade, cocoa, corn, salt and obsidian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very informative post. The realm of Maya spread across 1,00,000 sq.miles.Rio Azul is comprised mostly of noble military families along with their assistants, servers and retainers.The Dams –the largest in the Maya area preserved water for the arid season. Rio Azul had a concentration of 350 large buildings and huge memorial temples.Rio Azul appears to have been abandoned in 535 A.D. mostly due to the civil war period. For more details refer Maya City